Energy for Africa:
the think tank of energy for Africa
About the think tank:
Multidisciplinary and international in its composition, Energy for Africa promotes viewpoints impartially on all energies.
Complementing the ADEA activities, the Energy think tank for Africa was formed in May 2012 to bring viewpoints on issues of access to energy in Africa focusing on people, technology adapted to the socio-cultural context and reasoned development.
The think tank meets five times a year and invites researchers, specialists, investors, representatives of countries and NGOs to provide cross complementary views on issues of energy and development.
"Energy for Africa" is mobilizing to provide relevant research and recommendations of the axes.
Three sub-groups were formed to deepen sectoral themes:
Oil & Gas: Jean-Pierre Favennec
Electricity & networks: Philippe Lambert
Renewable Energy: François Verdier
- Henri Beaussant • mail :
- Jean-Pierre Favennec • tél : 33 (0)6 08 49 19 15 • mail :
- François Verdier • mail :
- ADEA • tél : 33 (0)1 47 16 97 92